Four distracted driving Myths (Infographic)

By Ben
Distracted driving certainly includes texting, but what many people don’t realize is that a mobile phone conversation while driving, regardless of hands-free technology, is also very dangerous. The National Safety Council (NSC) published the following infographic to educate the public on the myth of multitasking, and help prevent the dangers that can occur due to the use of mobile phones behind the wheel. It's a very useful infographic and we are glad to share it on our blog.

NSC’s infographic outlines four myths surrounding distracted driving:

  • Myth 1: Drivers can multitask.
  • Myth 2: Talking to someone on a cell phone is no different from talking to someone in the car.
  • Myth 3: Hands-free devices eliminate the danger of cell phone use during driving.
  • Myth 4: Drivers talking on cell phone still have a quicker reaction time than those who are driving under the influence.

Provided by The National Safety Council

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